Everything about the treatment of papillomas

In this article you will learn about the treatment of papillomas at home. Papillomas (warts) are benign tumors of the skin, mucous membranes of viral etiology.warts- a type of wart where growths are located in the genital area. You will learn in this article:

  • causes of papilloma;
  • What is human papillomavirus;
  • how to treat a disease in men and women;
  • How to treat papillomas at home.

Appearance reasons

Warts are caused by a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. This occurs during sexual intercourse, when a child passes the genital tract of an infected mother during childbirth.


Possible household route of infection. The virus is resistant to adverse environmental factors and can persist in clothing, towels, and the clothing of infected people. When another person uses such items, the microorganism penetrates easily, even with minor damage to the skin.

Sometimes self-infection occurs when viral particles are transferred from one part of the body to another (for example, during shaving, epilation).

There are more than 100 strains of the papillomavirus, which can infect several people at once.

Localization, appearance of warts, the likelihood of developing a malignant process depends on the type of HPV.

Viruses can remain asymptomatic in the body for several years after infection. Papillomas on the skin, mucous membranes begin to grow in the background:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • hormonal changes (for example, during menopause, during pregnancy);
  • Harmful diet, including excessive consumption of carbohydrates, fatty, fried foods.

Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies

The most effective alternative medicine consists of herbal ingredients. Alternative treatment of papilloma can be carried out only after consultation with a physician, regardless of the malignant nature of the growth. These measures do not cause the virus to disappear from the body, but only to eliminate the external manifestations of the infection.

Papillomas on the neck and other parts of the body cannot be torn, cut or wrapped with string. Injury to warts, co-administration with any prescription without medical supervision can lead to the development of the oncological process. You can not apply this product to the eyelids and mucous membranes to prevent burns.

Treatment of papillomas with celandine

Fresh leaves, squeezed juice from them, infusion of the plant from the pharmacy are used at home. Before starting treatment for papilloma, you need to evaporate the site, lubricate the skin around the neoplasm with an oily cream and ointment.

Warts are stained with vegetable juice, the procedure is repeated every 2 days for a week, after which the growth should disappear.

Strawberry infusion with olive oil is used. To prepare, the plant is collected during flowering, cut into small pieces and poured with oil in equal proportions. The remedy insists for a month, lubricated with skin growths 4-5 times a day until the warts are rejected.

Strawberries, mixed shoots, potato sprouts, mixed in equal proportions with alcohol. The composition is insisted for 2 weeks, rubbing papillomas with it once a day.

Other recipes using herbs

If you have papillomas on the neck, other areas of the skin, tea tree, lemon, licorice oils are applied to the surface once a day for 2 weeks. Longitudinally cut aloe leaves are sometimes glued to neoplasms with a plaster for 4 hours. Instead of aloe, you can use Kalanchoe, this plant is kept on the surface of the wart for 8-10 hours. The manipulation is repeated for 10 consecutive days.

Dandelion tincture for the treatment of papillomas

When warts appear, a rough composition of garlic, flour or cream is sometimes applied to them for 3 hours. The product is washed with water, the skin is washed with soap.

To make a dandelion tincture, the flowers of the plant are poured into a jar, alcohol is poured over it and it waits for 14 days.

Dandelion is applied to skin growth 4-6 times a day.

Castor oil can be applied to the surface of papillomas twice a day. After lubricating the warts, it is sealed with a plaster. Manipulation is carried out within 3-6 days.

A source of horsetail, nettle, lemon balm, dandelion root and plantain leaves is used to treat papillomas in both men and women. Dried herbs are mixed in equal parts, take three tablespoons full collection spoon, infuse in a liter of boiling water. The agent is taken within 10 days before each meal.

Non-herbal folk methods

Some people stain the affected areas with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia.

Also prepare a mixture of 2, 5 grams of acetic acid, salicylic ester, the same amount of iodine, 2 grams of boric acid, 100 milliliters of alcohol. The composition is applied to warts 2-3 times a day.

Home treatment of warts and papillomas

After the examination, medications can be prescribed by doctors who confirm that the person has HPV. Drug treatment helps to increase immunity and reduce the viral activity of the body. The action of some pharmacy products is aimed at eliminating the formation of skin.

Antiviral, immunomodulatory drugs

To fight HPV, your doctor prescribes pills, capsules, and drug injections that suppress the growth of microorganisms in the tissues. Used at home:

  • Special antiviral drugs.
  • inducers of interferon synthesis(stimulants).
  • Products containing interferon.
  • Non-specific immunomodulators.

Vaginal suppositories are used if women are diagnosed with human papillomavirus and have condyloma.

Local preparations from which papilloma can be removed

Treatment with these drugs at home is carried out only after a doctor's examination, except for a malignant process in the wart area.

The drugs should not fall on healthy areas of the skin, mucous membranes, otherwise there may be burns and scars.

When applied to papillomas in the neck and other parts of the body, the drug kills cells due to the presence of active chemical components. Causesnecrosis(death). A special applicator is used to lubricate the warts with a thin wooden stick, the frequency of manipulation depends on the size of the growth.

Antiseptic drug containing silver nitrate, when applied topically, has a necrotic effect on tissues. It is used on various parts of the body except the face and mucous membranes. It should be noted that, for example, does not eliminate the cause of underarm papillomas, and treatment is aimed at eliminating external pathological manifestations.

When there are straight, common warts, including toes, feet, a product containing propane, dimethyl ether, encased in a metal bottle is used.

When liquefied gases come out of the container, they generate heat of -57 ° C; When applied topically to the skin, the tissues are frozen.

The product package contains 12 plastic disposable applicators. Second, it allows the affected areas to be reliably restricted from healthy tissues. Burning and tingling sensations are normal during the procedure. After 10-14 days, pour into frozen tissue. If one procedure is not enough, the manipulation is repeated.

The drug should not be used if the neoplasms are located in areas with thin skin (genitals, eyelids, chest). Cervical papillomas should not be removed spontaneously using this method.

Apparatus treatment of papillomas

Your doctor may recommend treatment for warts and genital warts in specialized clinics. The latter use the following methods:

  • cryodestruction;
  • chemical coagulation;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • plasma coagulation.

Cryodestruction- freezes tissue with liquid nitrogen. The second is applied to a special applicator applied to the papilloma. After a while, the neoplasm darkens and disappears. When using this method, it is very difficult to control the depth of wart exposure; a second procedure may be required. Sometimes scars remain after cryodestruction.

Chemical coagulation is carried out with preparations containing concentrated acids. The latter causes necrosis of the treated tissues. The solution is used to remove common, plantar warts, genitals.

Electrocoagulation-Exposure of tissues with a high-frequency current results in irreversible coagulation of proteins inside. It is a traditional technique to remove neoplasms in the body, the risk of infection, bleeding is extremely low.

A special device is used for radio wave therapy. The effect on the unaffected areas is minimal, the likelihood of bleeding is minimal. In women, this treatment is performed if there are condylomata.

Carrying out laser therapy

With the help of the device, an electric current is converted into radio waves by breaking down soft tissues in different parts of the body.

During laser therapy, the neoplasm evaporates under the influence of laser radiation. The method is used in the treatment of papillomas in any part of the body, including the presence of genital warts. There is no bleeding after the procedure, the laser beam destroys microorganisms in the area of ​​application, does not infect the treated area.

Scars are very rare after laser therapy.

If a woman has an intraductal papilloma of the breast with a precancerous condition, surgery is performed. Sector resection is performed - removal of part of the breast through altered canals.

Folk methods and medicines are used to treat papillomas at home. In private clinics, neoplasms are removed by apparatus. Before treating warts, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a recommended examination.